
Hi, my name is Nina. Vegan foodie, ocean and nature lover. Fuerteventura is my part-time home, where I travel to as often as I can. The rest of the time I am living in the Swiss mountains, in the Engadin, enjoying the stunning nature there. Sharing yoga and meditation for almost ten years, sharing food and cooking since I can remember and just recently introducing plant-based nutrition info workshops. To see people connect with nature, themselves and others, is something that I enjoy a lot. Inviting you to create a space of non-judging and an almost childlike curiosity for your yoga, meditation, breathing, eating and life; on and off your mat. People say they like my enthusiasm, optimism, and some enjoy my voice a lot during the guidance. I use my tools and gifts as a constant gentle reminder, to always listen to your inner voice, and only do what feels well with your soul.

The Journey

Coming to Fuerteventura for the first time, I fell in love with this pure beauty made of rocks and sand, surrounded by turquoise waters and blue sky. It all started as an idea of combining a wholesome vegan diet into yoga retreats on the island. After some years of trying it out and learning a lot, the aspect of mindfulness and meditation got more important to me.
Integrating more meditations, rituals and ceremonies into the programs, felt like something is finally clicking and making much more sense. Cooking workshops are a beautiful way of playfully learning new methods and dishes with nice people around. Talking about sustainable life styles, ways of how each and every one of us can make a difference in yoga and especially in our eating habits feels like a huge empowerment. I am super thankful to share, learn and grow with you. Then the online yoga started to grow out of the need for yoga in the times of social distancing and now I am so happy to see all the faces in our sessions online.
And now a new project is about to start soon. Stay tuned and leave a message if you feel like connecting.